Delight your taste buds with these irresistibly crunchy and delicious ragi chips that are both satisfying and beneficial to your health. These dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan chips are a fantastic...
Beetroot has gained more importance in our daily food. It is very tasty, healthy, and rich in natural color and texture. Beetroot chips are never compromised with taste, quality &...
Snack happy with Quinoa Puffs. Crispy, crunchy & nutritious made from 100% Quinoa. These delicious mouth-watering crunchy balls come packed with high-quality protein, fiber and iron with lip-smacking masala flavor...
Healthy munchies to be enjoyed between the meals to treat your hunger pangs.Dig into a pack of Soya Pudina Sticks & indulge into great mix spices blended into with the...
Set your tongue on fire with this roasted, lip-smacking Oats Chips - Sour Cream & Onion snack. The goodness of oats, Urad Dal & nutritious rice assorted with spices is...
Our Spicy Black Gram (Kala Chana) Puff is a crunchy, protein-packed snack that combines the earthy goodness of roasted black gram with a bold, spicy flavor. Order them now to...
Behold the snack you’ll find super hard to keep your hands off, these Barley Millet chips offer a unique blend of taste and nourishment. They are a healthier alternative to...
Moong daal chips Peri Peri are super hard to keep your hands off and a unique blend of taste and nourishment. HEALTH BENEFITS Moong daal chips peri peri are a...
For the lovers of peppery flavors, comes in the Pudina Fox Nuts (Makhana). These high quality and hand-picked fox nuts are sourced only from the best farmers in the country which...
It's a rich source of dietary fiber, which can reduce your risk of death from heart disease. Brown rice also contains high levels of magnesium, which can help make you less...
Cheese Foxnuts are back , One of the Best sellers from Evolve Enjoy with flavour everyone loves of fox nuts to add variety to your healthy munchies. HEALTH BENEFITSGood source...
Yummy and crunchy fun that pleases your taste buds and benefits your health at the same time. Pack of 2 - Ragi chips 80gm*2 These dairy free, gluten free...
So after many requests for getting these chips from the South, We are happy to announce a new sweetest addition to our ever evolving family . Okay, so if we...
It is an incredible source of vitamins like B6, C, folate, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin and minerals including manganese, phosphorus, iron and copper. The wealth of nutrients in Kala Chana is beneficial in boosting the...
Chatpata Rajma chips are both awesome in taste and in health . Enjoy the fusion of best of both worlds. HEALTH BENEFITS The high content of complex carbohydrates and dietary...
Yummy and crunchy fun that pleases your taste buds. HEALTH BENEFITS Treatment for multiple diseases (Osteoporosis, Anemia, Diabetes) The main ingredient ragi bhujia, helps in weight loss Helps in relieving...
Tomato is a nutritional powerhouse and its powder has similar benefits. These tomato seasoned crunchy fox nuts make a healthy, nutritive and tasty snack! A must have for all tomato...
Yummy and crunchy chiwda fun that pleases your taste buds. HEALTH BENEFITS The main ingredient ragi helps in weight loss Treatment for multiple diseases (Osteoporosis, Anemia, Diabetes) Helps in relieving...
Yummy and crunchy fun that pleases your taste buds. HEALTH BENEFITS The main ingredient ragi bhujia, helps in weight loss Treatment for multiple diseases (Osteoporosis, Anemia, Diabetes) Helps in relieving...
Do you crave those simple roasted makhaane with salt and pepper your grand-mom used to occasionally snack on. Here is the same thing with some stronger flavour notes. Simple salt...
Enjoy with new flavour of fox nuts to add variety to your healthy munchies. These have a great salt and spicy blend that will take your taste buds for a...
Yummy and crunchy fun that pleases your taste buds. HEALTH BENEFITS The main ingredient Black chana bhujia, helps in weight loss High in Fiber Helps in relieving stress and anxiety....
Tomato is a nutritional powerhouse and its powder has similar benefits. These tomato seasoned crunchy fox nuts make a healthy, nutritive and tasty snack! A must have for all tomato...